How to create a Salutogenic Chiropractic practice

Monday, November 8th - Friday, November 12th


Challenge starts in...









Does this sound like you?

 A Chiropractor that wants to move from a pain-based model to a salutogenic framework of care. 

 A Chiropractor that wants to improve their communication around health not just the talking conditions

 A Chiropractor who wants to improve their retention in their offices

 A Chiropractor who wants a model to clinically show neurological improvements beyond symptoms

 A Chiropractor who wants to feel more fulfilled in practice, not as burnt out, and less stressed.

 A Chiropractor who wants to get people to understand their bodies not just teach information about their bodies 

If one of these scenarios sounds anything like you then...

this challenge is just the thing you have been looking for!

What's inside the challenge?

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Over the Five day Challenge, we will be uploading a new training for every day.  This free training will highlight the Five steps you can take to more your practice more into the Salutogenic model.

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Along with our Challenge, we will open up a pop-up Facebook group called "The Salutogenic Practice".  This will be a vetted community where like-minded vitalistic Chiropractors will be able to connect, support, and learn together.  This pop-up group will only be open for 2 weeks and once the challenge is over it will close. 

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Along with the training both Dr. Don and Brandi will have question-answer sessions both live and interactive in the Pop-up Facebook group.  This way we can tailor the content more towards those that are participating in the Challenge. 

A day by day look ahead

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DAY ONE - Understanding Salutogenisic and Polyvagal theories of care.

In this session, we will start to understand how Chiropractic can fit into these two models of patient care brilliantly.  This will be the future of healthcare and Chiropractic is poised to be a leader in this area if we learn to understand it and apply its principles. 

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DAY TWO - Hierarchy of Change

In this session, we will dive into the hierarchy of change.  This Hierarchy covers vital information that will help to reduce sabotage.  If you have gone to seminars or taken courses in the past and have not implemented the information this will be a vital session for you.  Learning this at the very beginning can prevent a lot of heartache and stress moving forward. 

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DAY THREE - Individuality

In today's day and age practice members want to know that they are connected and worked with individually.  They are tired of the canned scripts and feeling like just a number.  In this section, we will break down how to both individualize your communication but also your explanation of Chiropractic in terms and values the practice members understand. 

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DAY FOUR - Function

In this session, we are going to show you the first few steps to move your practice more toward improving function rather than treating pain and symptoms.  The can only be done if you are actually measuring it.  How can we shift someone towards a new model when we are not using tools to help us?

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DAY FIVE - Tieing it all together

On day 5 we will be tieing all the other days together to help you come up with your next steps.  We will be answering any questions that have come up during the challenge and leave you inspired to shift your practice.

About Us

We help Chiropractors move their practices away from only treating pain and symptoms so that their practice members can discover the amazing benefits from Chiropractic on overall health and vitality. 

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Join the 5 Day Challenge

Make the Shift to a more Vital Practice