Facing Your Own Limiting Beliefs With Chiropractor Dr. Pip Penrose

Episode #142

In this episode, Dr. Don is joined by Dr. Pip Penrose, a passionate chiropractor from Stratford, Ontario.

As a teen, Dr. Penrose was sick with mono more than once when a friend suggested she visit a chiropractor to see how they might be able to help. Her experience was life-changing. It was soon after this that she decided she wanted to become a chiropractor herself.

More recently, she wanted to branch out and open her own practice. On this new path, she would discover what that would entail, as well as face the limiting thoughts and beliefs she had about herself. She shares that journey with us today.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dr. Penrose’s story on how she discovered chiropractic care. [1:50]
  • How and when she decided to become a chiropractor herself. [3:22]
  • Dr. Penrose’s school experience in pursuing her career. [4:53]
  • Her career path following school. [7:36]
  • When she started doing The Vitality Shift, as well as the impact this has had on her business. [10:14]
  • How understanding personality differences has improved her business. [13:43]
  • What Dr. Penrose has learned so far through The Vitality Shift. [19:59]
  • The two personalities Dr. Pip Penrose identifies with, and how she uses them to navigate difficult situations. [23:05]
  • What Dr. Penrose hopes to show her kids through this journey. [26:09]
  • The beliefs Dr. Penrose had to adjust to being successful in going out on her own. [26:50]
  • What it took for Dr. Penrose to feel firmer in her decision. [30:50]
  • Dr. Penrose shares how her new business is going so far. [35:01]
  • What she would go back and tell herself at 18-years-old if she could. [36:42]
  • Words of inspiration for anyone listening. [37:08]

Find out more about The Vitality Shift: https://www.thevitalityshift.com