Does Your Chiropractic Practice Align with Who You Are? With Dr. Laura Foster

Episode #85


Little things can make a big difference in how you show up in your practice. If you want to provide the best care for your patients, take care of yourself first. Getting sufficient restful sleep, slowing down, and replenishing your energy will help you deliver high-quality care and more closely align with what you want your practice to reflect.

Today, we welcome Dr. Laura Foster who practices in Newmarket Ontario. Her 20-year Chiropractic career started at Palmer College of Chiropractic and through determination and grassroots efforts she created a successful family practice. In addition, she facilitates wellness retreats in mind-blowingly peaceful destinations like Costa Rica and Rock Mountain in British Columbia.

During this episode, Dr. Foster shares how she knew Chiropractic was the only practice for her, her experience with the Chiropractic Leadership Alliance, and how she staves off burn out through self-care.

Key Takeaways:
  • After an injury during medical school, Laura ‘found’ Chiropractic more welcoming than the sanitized hospital environment. [1:24]
  • The importance of being able to shift the way you think about Chiropractic. [6:16]
  • Dr. Foster realized the importance of getting adjustments and keeping herself well during her apprenticeship as she served a large number of patients. [9:05]
  • Dr. Foster shares her experience with the Chiropractic Leadership Alliance Program. [15:37]
  • Getting out of the office and knocking on doors was the key to Dr. Foster growing her business. [18:35]
  • How to turn desperation energy or burn out into a success story. [25:59]
  • Dr. Foster created Soul Inspired Retreats to blend her love of serving people with her love of travel. [35:40]
Learn More:

Dr. Laura Foster Retreats & More

Foster Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic Leadership Alliance Program

The Shift Unplugged Seminar — Gold Coast June 2019

Dr. Don McDonald

The Underdog Curse: The Cause, The Cure and The Road to Success

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